Unique technology

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Tradition and technology

Shaimahen are a global supplier of instruments and systems to the high vacuum and thin film coatings industry. Using the company's extensive vacuum engineering experience, Shaimahen are able to provide innovative solutions to vacuum engineering challenges.

Having fun at work and improving quality of life has long been tied to improved employee engagement and productivity as well as employee retention.

The company has a growing range of new products including instruments and accessories for thin film coating. The company continues to provide system refurbishment and reconfiguration services that offer a very economic alternative to new equipment.


Shaimahen can deliver an extensive portfolio of cost effective vacuum systems, many from stock, suitable for a wide range of vacuum coating applications such as precision optics, semiconductor, and scientific research and development. We fully support all of our systems worldwide. Our care for our customers does not stop after you invest in a Shaimahen product , but continues throughout the systems lifetime. We provide telephone support, scheduled maintenance visits, and in the unlikely event of a breakdown we can respond with an engineer on site.

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